Growing Upstream Wellness Coaching

Whole Person Centered Wellness Coaching

Helping women find relief from the symptoms of autoimmunity to feel the best they’ve ever felt so they can pursue the best rest of their life.

What to expect

My offering and work with you is to be a partner and sometimes guide on the journey of unearthing what you have inside to heal, help, and manage yourself while providing support and sharing with you information to help bring about relief from your autoimmune symptoms and regain the energy, clarity, and vitality needed to pursue the life you envision for yourself.
Healthy buddha bowl lunch with grilled chicken, quinoa, spinach, avocado, brussels sprouts, broccoli, red beans with sesame seeds on dark gray background. Top view.


Learn and implement an evidence-based transition, elimination and reintroduction diet and lifestyle protocol along with the anti-inflammatory foods available to help alleviate pain, fatigue, mental fog, and other related symptoms.

Black colored chess pawn standing in front of a mirror that reflects himself as a king. (3d render)

Narrative Work

Identify and resolve the negative, dominant, and repetitive thought patterns impacting the body and its healing ability.

Mudra exercise, woman and yoga meditation for mental health, freedom and chakra energy in garden, park and zen. Closeup girl, hands and meditate in lotus outdoors for wellness, hope and calm mindset

Spiritual Practice

Examine the relationship with the Self, others, and the Divine to implement long-term practices that facilitate connection to the body, the mind, and the spirit.

Serenity and mental health: Asian woman stretches in yoga pose.


Co-design a physical movement program emphasizing stretching, energy transference, low-intensity aerobic exercise, and de-stressing.

Approach to Wellness

My approach is whole person-centered wellness, which means the totality of who you are as a person (mentally, physically, and spiritually), and the life you live is always at the center of everything we do together. What this means is that before, during, and after addressing your autoimmune symptoms, dietary considerations, and supplement support, we will consider how who you are has impacted and currently impacts what you are experiencing in your body, as well as how the protocol(s) we co-create fits most effectively into the three main dimensions of who you are and the life you want to live.

I employ various tools and methods in my practice to help you live a life of overall wellness. The tools and techniques I use address you as a whole person underpinned by the fundamental belief that you are not broken, sick, or lacking anything but are experiencing a disruption in the body’s mind-body connection due to lifestyle, dietary, psycho-emotional, or purely physical factors. I believe you have everything you need to experience wellness that allows you to feel strong, energetic, vibrant, and pain-free in your body, clear and sharp in your mind, balanced and regulated in your emotions, and grounded and confident in your spirituality. 

work with me

Wellness Offerings

System of 3 Autoimmune Symptom Relief Program

Tap into the core three of mind, body, and soul for relief from your autoimmune symptoms.

one-on-one coaching

Get weekly one-on-one coaching to address the autoimmune challenges standing in the way of your productivity.

AIP Coaching

Address your autoimmunity with an evidence based dietary and lifestyle protocol to help you get back to the life you love and deserve.

My story

Hello, I’m Krystal Nylle Roberts

Through my own health journey, I discovered my life’s work and have made it a mission to learn as much as I can so that I can to help myself and now help other women with the things that helped me on my journey to wellness, particularly after being told my body was making anti-autobodies that signaled the presence of an autoimmune disease, after which I was told I have Lupus and then Lyme disease, only to be later told by a rheumatologist that I had neither. In fact, the doctor told me it was probably fibromyalgia or chronic stress causing my fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, digestive issues, and other symptoms. I received a prescription and was told to come back to see her in a year. I’ve learned that this, or some version of this, is almost everyone’s story that has dealt with autoimmune symptoms.

Like so many other women, my symptoms disrupted my life and changed who I had known myself to be. I no longer had the energy, motivation, or focus I was used to. I wanted to have the normal vigor and intensity for the things I loved to do, but couldn’t consistently sustain my energy. So I know what it’s like to be frustrated and tired everyday; what it feels like to beat myself up because I can’t physically do things that I want and also be unsure of what to do about it; what it's like to seek help but not get real solutions all the while spending a lot of time and money in the process. To this day, I still don’t have a diagnosis. But after stewing for some time, I decided it was time for me to learn as much as I could about autoimmune disease. Through studying, I realized that at the root of all autoimmune diseases are factors I have quite a bit of control over. I had control over my diet, lifestyle choices, and most importantly, my thought-life and emotional health.

When I began to work on these areas, my joint pain vanished, I regained my energy, I could think clearly and creatively again, and my desire to fully engage in my career returned. When I tested again, it reflected much of what I was experiencing in my body. My hormone levels returned to normal ranges, the inflammation in my body decreased, and I was able to reintroduce certain foods back into my diet without flares, letting me know that my leaky gut had healed. Even though I don’t have a diagnosis, I have a way to keep myself feeling like myself with the energy to do the work I love and build the life I’ve always imagined for myself. I became a coach because I saw many other women in the same boat I was in and wanted to help them get the life they remember and create the life they imagine.

What my clients are saying

Explore wellness tips

I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builde.
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