Growing Upstream Wellness Coaching


wellness offerings

System of 3 Autoimmune Relief Program

At the core of most things, you notice a rule of 3. An atom has three parts; everything has a beginning, middle, and end; there are three primary colors; we have 3-course meals, and of course, as humans, we are made up of mind, body, and soul (or spirit). To experience relief and get on the path of wellness, we must return to the rule and start there. This program is called the System of 3 for that reason. The So3 program is designed for the healing process to begin with the mind, body, and soul so that we can first discover the energetic roots of your autoimmune symptoms and, second, learn what is needed for you to experience relief.

In this 12-week coaching program, we start by listening to the messages coming forth from your core three so that together, we can determine what you need and do not need. Secondly, we assess any emotional disruptions, negative thinking patterns, and nutritional challenges you may be facing, along with lab testing that will inform us on how the state of your core three is manifesting in your body. Third, we address each area of your core three with practical protocols, techniques, and practices that will help you begin to experience wellness.

The added benefit of this approach is that the next time you walk into an appointment with your provider, you will not only have a better understanding of your symptoms from our work together and lab testing, but you will also have a clearer understanding of yourself and how your state-of-being impacts your symptoms. This program aims to help you find relief from your autoimmune symptoms and reclaim the life, experiences, activities, and relationships lost due to your symptoms. As you move forward, you will also be empowered with enough knowledge about your condition to confidently advocate for yourself with medical providers as a partner instead of only a patient. Recover your power to manage and own your autoimmune wellness journey.

One-on-One Coaching

Have your autoimmune symptoms taken you away from the work you love? Whether it is a hobby, your life’s work, or your daily occupation, struggling to mentally and physically perform how you’re used to and for as long as you’re used to is disheartening. My one-on-one coaching is for you if you want to regain your energy, motivation, and overall sense of well-being. I want to help you get back to doing the work you love or the work you need to support yourself and your family.

Each phase of one-on-one coaching includes specific modalities and approaches. These modalities and approaches will only be used when and where appropriate and based on your comfort, specific needs, and the time allotted to address your nutrition and wellness challenges.

Phase 1

6 months

  • Weekly Virtual Coaching Sessions
  • Guided support with the AIP protocol with customization
  • Emotional Profile Mapping
  • Narrative Work for physical healing

Phase 2

12 months

  • Weekly Virtual Coaching Sessions
  • Guided support with the AIP protocol with customization 
  • Emotional Profile Mapping
  • Narrative Work for physical healing
  • Guided: physical pain reduction modalities 
  • Emotional Detoxification and Maintenance
  • Spiritual Self-Saving Practice and Development
  • Lifestyle Remodeling

AIP Coaching

Through the Autoimmune Protocol, you will be coached through an evidence based dietary and lifestyle protocol to help you reach your wellness goals. 

This protocol has been subject to medical research to investigate efficacy for managing autoimmune conditions, and have produced successful outcomes for people dealing with autoimmunity. 

We will customize and personalize your protocol to meet your unique health needs.

What my clients are saying

Explore wellness tips

I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builde.
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